I would like to invite you on a journey with us! As a pretty hard working couple in our 30’s I know how daunting living in an expensive city with dreams can be. I thought it would be uber cool to bring you guys along for this ride as we negotiate this new grown up experience in our lives. Maybe we can inspire each other, maybe I can make the mistakes so you do not have to! My quest will be to be open and honest and not just with the pretty Instagram worthy bits! So lets get into it shall we?
We bought a house!!!
I grew up with an image of living all over the world with a trail of ex lovers and husbands. I thought I would be living an extraordinary exciting life. The point? Marrying with long term commitment and buying a house were NEVER on my radar. Never a dream of mine.
So, what happened? Life! Haha!
Long story short I moved to Toronto from Vancouver 7 years ago. A year ish into loving my single life I met an incredible, strong and sweet handsome sk8terboi. And what can I say? Outlooks change baby!
We were married on June 29th 2019 and after my very generous father offered help with a down payment on a house we started thinking. Thinking, not looking. Knowing we could never afford a house in Toronto we casually looked at condo’s. The problem that came up was mostly of room, cause we had to be grown ups and think ‘what if we have a baby?’ 1 bedroom condos were already at the top of our budget and we would usually leave those conversations more confused than before. If you do not live in a super expensive city it might be hard to understand that two decent incomes is just not enough to own in Canadian cities like Toronto and Vancouver. Even with a very good down payment. One bedroom condos under $500,000 are hard to come by.
Then, 2020 hit. The pandemic hit. My husband has some anxiety that was definitely made worst while we were shutdown in our tiny flat near Ossington and Bloor. I could tell he was itching to get out of the city. So we chatted. I remembered when I was working for this awesome super hip family in The Beaches here in TO and the dad raved about how cool Hamilton was now. So we researched.
When buying your first house a few things need to be thought about. A big one for us was making it a good investment. If we could be smart buy low, sell high our dream of retiring in a beach side town close to Barcelona could be possible. Hamilton ticked off a lot of check marks. Still close to TO for friends and family, more space, and a chance to make some money in an up and coming neighbourhood.
We are just finalizing paper work and dotting those i’s so you really are here for the beginning of it!
Next to come the story of the process of looking and then we will talk mortgages baby! Hopefully some more fun will come after we take possession and we will talk more about decorating on a budget and what work needs to be done to a house built in 1915!! If there are questions or future ideas you guys would be interested in drop me a line!! I would be psyched to know what you guys want to know!!
Thank you for joining in on this adventure. I feel like we will be learning a lot together!
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