I am aware so many people get ‘fancy’ coffee now, it should not even be called fancy anymore! But I am here to bring it back to that old school cup of joe. Preaching that maybe the regular cup with a bit of love does not have to be so regular after all.
My mum bought a cappuccino machine when I was in grade 3 and I do not think I knew drip coffee till I was in my late teens! Not going to lie having a fresh cappuccino made for you every morning starting in grade school is not bad at all (Thank you mum!) but I missed out on the simple lesson that coffee does not need a lot to rock! Oh and maybe I missed out on my growth! My sister is 5’10, cappuccino’s started later in life for her!
I bounce between feeling sorry for and having a hard time trusting anyone who does not like coffee. I mean, I just do not get it. What is there not to like? It offers a calming ritual, a secret language between the cup and your body. It is both social and wallflower friendly and it is healthy (depending on the stuff you put in it!) You have to be mad not to sign up for that club!
Not going to lie I am someone who wakes up saying coffee, but not how you think. It is not because I need the caffeine. I sometimes go without a coffee and no I do not get a headache nor will I be complaining about it the whole day, but I will miss it. From making it just right, to that moment that sweet creamy beige warmth with the distinctive bite hits my lips. Because that is my chance to be slow for a few min. To think, and to not think. Who would not miss that?
Last but not least, obviously fair trade organic coffee freshly ground is going to rock the morning and by all means treat yourself! But this recipe does not discriminate! If you have the cheapest grounds in the world (Look we are in a pandemic and you have to cut luxuries sometimes, no judgment) this recipe might help you the most! That little bit of salt is going to kick that nasty cheap coffee acidity to the curb man!!!
The List
French Press 1 L
Medium to Large Coffee Mugs 2
Ground Coffee -Strong/Dark Roast 2-3 Heaping Tbsp, Light/Medium Roast 4-5 Heaping Tbsp
Cinnamon or Pumpkin Pie Spice 1 Tbsp
Salt 1/2 Tsp
Vanilla Extract 1/2 Tsp
Cream/Milk/Mylk 1/4 C
Coconut Sugar (my recommendation but whatever sweetener you prefer) Up to you, I like 1 Tbsp
The Method
Add Coffee Grounds to the French Press and then add the cinnamon, salt and vanilla.
Pour Freshly Boiled Water over the Coffee mixture and place the lid on the press but do not press down yet.
Add Sugar to the Coffee Cups and if you want to be extra a few more drops of vanilla
After 3-5 min Slowly press down on the French Press and pour over the sugar leaving room for your ‘milk’ of choice! I have to admit I like a good bit of coconut milk or cream! Stir well and go make coffee memories!

The Equipment
I really like our stainless steal French Press but this is the one I will buy next!

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